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Rideau Acres Campground, Kingston

Rideau Acres Campground, Kingston

Rideau Acres Campground, Kingston

Rideau Acres Campground, Kingston
Trailers at Rideau Acres Campground
Rental Trailers
All trailers include:
Fully equipped kitchen
Full bathroom (toilet paper included)
Charcoal BBQ – customer must supply charcoal & lighter fluid
Customers must provide their own food and linens (bedding & towels)
Rates are based on 2 Adults and unmarried dependent children
Waterfront 1
1 queen size bed, separate bedroom
- Couch pulls out into double bed
Full size tub in bath
Sleeps 4 people max
Air conditioning
Waterfront 2
1 queen size bed, separate bedroom
Couch pulls out into double bed
Full size tub in bath
Sleeps 4 people max
Seasonal Trailers for Sale
For more information and details, please contact or call 613-546-2711.
Site: BR1
Length: 31'
Make/Model: Salem
Model Year: 2007
Asking Price: $29,500
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